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Burning Red 

Burning Red (15 min) Italy


The short movie talks about the thematic of violence against  women and its different facets and implications through the love  story of Luca and Marzia who, separately and each one from its  own point of view, tell us their last evening together.


Director - Fabrizo Ancillai 

Fabrizio Ancillai is a director and screenwriter who graduated in  Photography and Cinematographic Technique at the Istituto Cine-TV  Roberto Rossellini. His career starts as Focus Puller and , he  works with important DOP , Gerry Fisher , Dante Spinotti, Armando  Nannuzzi, Tonino Delli Colli . After a few years he became  interested in screenwriting and directing and began working as  Assistant Director , with some important directors Franco  Zeffirelli , Lina Wertmuller, Carlo Lizzani.In 2002 she directed  La Scarpa Rossa her first short film as a director and received  the Nomination at the Golden Globe , followed by two other short  films Kamikaze and Lacrime . In 2010 he began collaborating with  several independent productions in Europe working on the  development and realization of documentaries , short films and  videoclips. In 2019 he writes and directs Burning Red on gender  violence.



Federico Ancillai (Luca Santi) 

Francesca Della Ragione (Guardian Angel) Barbara Gioli (Marzia ) 

Valeria Milillo (Police Detective) 


Produced by Pierfrancesco Ancillai Executive Production Ohpen Italia Directed by Fabrizio Ancillai 

Cinematography by Gianluca Braccieri Film Editing by Ugo De Rossi 

Costume Design by Mariano Tufano Music by Angelo Talocci 

Production Design by Andrea Audino Line Producer – Carlotta Bolognini Hair Designer - Desideria Corridoni Make Up Designer – Ivan Mendico Sound Engineer Alessandro Arcadu Sound & Music Editor - Stefano Di Fiore Photo & Graphic Design by - Agnese Samà

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